When you request a free wine cellar design we sent you different pages and elevations to show you how our designers laid out your wine racks. In the images below, read a description of what you should expect to find. Additional views-click on images to enlarge.Plan View: This is a top-side view of your cellar as it would appear if you were viewing it from your ceiling downward.
Key Page: Each of these keys match a letter shown on the plan view. The key tells you the type of storage and bottle count for each rack.
We are excited to start helping you with anything you need for your wine rack plans. We help create wine storage from very small spaces to large areas with thousands of wine bottles. Our design service makes it simple for you to acquire free wine rack plans and make a decision on how you with to build your wine cellar. Our designers are waiting for you to send in your measurements for your wine cellar rack plans and then we can get started. If you work with one of our design consultants, you can figure out the best way to finalize your wine cellar design.
As you are figuring out what you want, the cost of the project can really depend on the best wood for your wine cellar. We have our favorite woods that work well such as Redwood, Pine, or Mahogany but we also have access to select woods that we can send you samples of. Redwood has always been a favorite for it's mold resistant qualities but if you choose allheart or premium, the types of coloring you receive can vary.
If you are looking for wine refrigeration, wine coolers, or a wine fridge, we have many different options that we can help you with. Just call, email, or chat with us live to talk with a friendly Design Consultant.
專屬的設計服務 Exclusive design service MARTHALUNBO 瑪莎倫堡 的每一套酒窖、酒 柜、都是量身定制而成的,您的儲藏區、品鑒區、休 閑區,您所期許的生活方式,設計師都將與您一對一的交流,給予專業的咨詢,并對現場空間進行實 地測 量,根據您的個性需求、現場環境和文化品味,定制最專業的窖藏藝術空間。
MARTHALUNBO Every set of wine cellars and wine cabinets in Marshallburg is tailor-made. The designers will communicate with you one-on-one and give professional advice.
顧問式服務 Advisory service 對于 MARTHALUNBO 瑪莎倫堡而言,銷售的不僅是產品,更多是設計一個更加私密的上層社會社 交圈。從貴賓利益最大化出發,給予貴賓最專業的建議和最合適的產品。
For MARTHALUNBO Maserenburg, it is not only products but also a more intimate upper social circle. From the maximization of VIP benefits, give VIPs the most professional advice and the most suitable products.
品質保障 Quality Assurance 為保證產品的高品質,維護貴賓的利益,MARTHALUNBO 瑪莎倫堡酒窖開通了防偽查 詢專線: 400-1188-273。貴賓可通過姓名、地址、電話進行人工防偽查詢驗證。
In order to ensure the high quality of the products and to protect the interests of VIPs, the MARTHALUNBO Marshall Wine Cellar opened the anti-counterfeiting inquiry line: 400-1188-273. VIPs can perform manual security check verification by name, address and phone number.
終身維護 Lifelong maintenance 一年免費保修,終身有償維護服務。可預約 MARTHALUNBO 瑪莎倫堡技術人員對正在 使用的窖 藏系統進行全面保養維護,以保證系統的長期穩定運行,延長使用壽命;對窖 藏內溫度、濕度、 氣味等各項指標進行檢測和校正,以保證最合適的儲藏條件;對窖藏 環境裝飾、實木酒架等裝飾 細節部分進行全面維護與清潔。
One year free warranty, lifetime paid maintenance service. MATHHALUNBO Mashalunbao technicians can be reserved for the comprehensive maintenance of the storage system in use to ensure long-term stable operation of the system and prolong the service life; to detect and correct various indicators such as temperature, humidity and odor in the reservoir. Ensure the most suitable storage conditions; comprehensively maintain and clean the decorative details such as the decorative environment and solid wood wine racks.